Alkonost - Листопад/ Leaf Fall (Live, Moscow, 2024)
Alkonost - Кровавые травы/Bloody grasses (Live, Moscow, 2024)
Дар саламандры/Salamander's Gift

Andrey Losev - music, arrangement, guitar, keys
Mare Mirkie - lyrics
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals, producer
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Dmitry Bortsov - drums (1,3,6,7,8)
Dmitry Lutskovsky - music (2), arrangement (2,6) , guitar (6), backing vocals (2,3,6)
Pavel Kosolapov - guitar (4,6), backing vocals (4,5)
Anna Segal - music (4)
Rimma Bakhteeva - music (1)
Ravil Nizametdinov - drums (4)
Andrey Tepper - violin (4)
Fyodor Borovsky - sound producer, drums, mixing, mastering
Recording studios - Stone Flower, Slaughtered Studio
Daria Trubina - artist
Marina Potovichenko - artist
Darius Alas - artist
Маяк/Lighthouse (Single)

Andrey Losev - music author, arrangement, guitars, keys
Mare Mirkie - lyrics
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Fedor Borovsky - sound producer, drums, mixing, mastering
Daria Trubina - artist
Recording studios - Stone Flower, Slaughtered Studio
One of the important meanings of fire in human life is signalling. A bright fire is clearly visible from a distance, it draws attention and attracts the eye. A lighthouse fire helps those who are wandering in the dark to find their way. But the one who lit it can be lonely: he is sending signals and does not know if anyone can see them.
People often ask themselves: "is what I'm doing necessary?", "what good can I give to the world?" and even "what's it all for?". In the song "Lighthouse" is our answer to such questions: light spreads further than you can see and reaches places you wouldn't even think of.
This song is about self-sufficiency, service, and undying hope. And about if you have a fire burning in you, you live to share it with those who are dark and point the way for those who need light. Finally, it is a song of encouragement to all who are lonely: no matter how long you have to wait for the one called by your beacon to come, the wait will not be in vain if you put your heart into making that flame come to life.
Разожги огонь/ Ignite a Fire (Single)

Dmitry Lutskovsky - music author, arrangement, backing vocals
Andrey Losev - music author, arrangement, guitars, keys
Mare Mirkie - lyrics
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Fedor Borovsky - sound producer, drums, mixing, mastering
Daria Trubina - artist
Recording studios - Stone Flower, Slaughtered Studio
Since the beginning of time, fire has always been with man. Man may have everything he needs - a house, food, resources and materials, but only fire can give everything its final form, breathe life into the lifeless, make a house warm, food edible and steel strong.
That is why the act of making fire is not just an action, but a ritual, first of all - an invocation of the Spirit of Fire, with words of praise, promises of treats, an invitation to join the pleasure of life.
The song ‘ Ignite a Fire’ is the spell of this invocation. To build a fire not only on the bonfire or in the home hearth, but also in the crucible of our own lives, so that there is a new creative spark, a burst of inspiration, a flame that gives motivation, strength and determination. After all, when everything is there, but the most important thing is missing - it is only necessary to want, to call, to ignite a fire.
This song will be part of our new full-length album ‘Salamander's Gift’.
Мой владыка/My Lord (OST Royal Blood) [Single]

Andrey Losev - composer, arrangement, guitars, keys
Irina Kamaeva - lyrics
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Dmitry Bortsov - drums
Fedor Borovsky - sound producer, drums, mixing, mastering
Daria Trubina - artist
Recording studios - Stone Flower, Slaughtered Studio
What if you were born to become a great ruler and inherit the blood of the ancient gods of your world? What if your ancestors made terrible mistakes that brought a curse on the entire family? What if you meet someone who is equal to you in strength and whose heart burns with anger, demanding retribution for the events of centuries gone by? What if it's a powerful dragon lord that only you can save...?
This song, unusual for us, was written based on the series of fantasy books Royal Blood by the Russian author Irina Kotova. Here we tell a story about the proud hearts of the main characters. We meet the young but strong-willed and unbending royal daughter, who takes upon herself the full burden of the sins of her ancestors, who once exterminated the proud tribe of dragons. Meeting their Lord centuries later, she not only finds an opponent of equal strength but also discovers the ability to love. Now she has to fight—not with him, but for him.
Новый альбом 2024
Открываем сбор средств на наш новый 10-й полноформатный альбом!
Переходите по ссылке и присоединяйтесь:
Друзья, мы объявляем о начале краудфандинговой кампании по созданию и выпуску нашего десятого полноформатного альбома!
Работа над ним уже идет, и чтобы успешно ее завершить, реализовать все задумки и сделать альбом максимально качественным, нам очень нужна ваша поддержка. Взамен мы предлагаем приятные вознаграждения, список которых будет со временем пополняться.
Alkonost - Папоротник/The Fern (Live, Москва, 2023)
Оберег/The Amulet (Single)

Anna Segal - music author
Mare Mirkie - lyricist
Andrey Losev - arrangement, guitar, samples
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Pavel Kosolapov - guitar, backing vocals
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Ravil Nizametdinov - drums
Fedor Borovsky - drums, mixing, mastering
Daria Trubina - design
Recording studios - Stone Flower, Slaughtered Studio
Everyone knows that fire is a contradictory force, and this song is about contrasting the creative power of fire with its destructive hypostasis.
Fire in the negative sense symbolises trouble, onslaught, cruelty. But there is another side - the flame of the spirit, giving energy and power to speak words of strength and put indestructible defence against evil and destruction. "The Amulet" is about the power of words, knowledge and spirit to create a protection against adversity.
We dedicate this song to all those who strive to resist fear and not give in to despondency, who believe in the power of a subtle, seemingly elusive thing - the human heart's desire for life, light and happiness.
Alkonost - XXV years

Audio version of the Alkonost concert dedicated to the band’s twenty-fifth anniversary.
Mixing - Timur Kudaev, design - Natalya Morozova
Classic line-up:
Anton Chepigin - drums
Almira Fathullina - keyboards
Alena Pasynkova - vocals
Vladimir Pavlik - bass guitar, vocals
Andrey Losev - guitar
Dmitriy Sokolov - guitar
Current line-up:
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Vadim Grozov - bass guitar
Pavel Kosolapov - guitar, vocals
Ravil Nizametdinov - drums
Andrey Losev - guitar
Konstantin Kondakov - sound engineer
Guest vocalists:
Sergey "Lazar" Atrashkevich ("Rossomahaar", "Arkona")
Ksenia Markevich ("Kalevala")
Alkonost - Songs Of The Eternal Oak (Anniversary Edition) [Lyric video]
Guys, we have made for you a very nostalgic lyric video for the album "Songs Of the Eternal Oak (Anniversary Edition)".
Besides the fact that we have compiled material from different periods of Alkonost's history, you will also be able to see very rare footage of the band's first concerts, first studio work, lots of old photos and also beautiful quadrocopter shots of our nature.
Alkonost - My Last Day (Live, Moscow, 2023)
The show took place in Moscow, 08.04.23
Alkonost - Anniversary concert, 25 years (18.09.21, Moscow)
Alkonost - Years Of Prophecy (Moscow, 2023)
New video from Alkonost performance in April 2023 in Moscow.
Alkonost - Solntse (Moscow, 2023)
We have prepared another video from the spring concert in Moscow.
Alkonost - Songs Of the Eternal Oak (Anniversary Edition)

We are glad to present you the anniversary version of Alkonost's first album - "Songs Of The Eternal Oak".
In honor of our 25th anniversary, we decided to release a revamped version of Alkonost's debut album — Songs of the Eternal Oak.
For us, this provides a chance to return to our roots, to reassess the beginning of our creative existence, and for our listeners — an opportunity to enjoy their favorite songs in an updated sound, with modern arrangements and performed by leading musicians of our genre, stars of an international caliber.
As part of Alkonost's birthday congratulations, many top artists of our genre took part in the remaking of this record, including Mathias Lillmåns from Finntroll, Thor Bager from Svartsot, Keith Fay from Cruachan, and Igor Shapranskiy from Srub.
The album's name, translated from the original as "Songs of the Eternal Oak," sends the listener off to an image of the World Tree, which stands in the center of the Universe, and where the Alkonost Bird sings its songs, telling stories of timeless topics.
The hero of the first composition, Years of Prophecy, starts thinking about his quest for truth and meaning, and finds that the surrounding everyday life cannot answer questions regarding the essence of good and evil, greatness and nothingness, and truth and lies. While seeking for answers, he looks into the past, searching for meaning in epic legends about heroes of ancient times, magi, and demiurges. In this place, the sound of horns summons warriors to battle, an endless feast of forefathers takes place, and honey flows like the rivers.
But a glance through time shows the short-livedness and ephemerality of it all — of joyfulness and despair, of victory and defeat. The Vortex of Times shuffles all images and events, happiness and loss, life and death. In this vortex exists only one line, a symbol representing stability and continuity as pillars of the universe — the World Tree. All stories and songs are but a rustling in its branches.
Through this album, we address metacultural roots, archetypical and meta-mythological concepts and imagery, such as those of the blacksmith, of war, and of the ancestors' revelry in the afterlife. This work deals with cultural foundations, and it will propel the listener to refer to that which one recognizes from myths, Pushkin's fairy tales, or lessons of history . . .
Alkonost - Obereg (Moscow, 2023)
For all those who could not attend our concerts in the capitals, we have prepared a live of the new song "Obereg" from a concert in Moscow on April 8th.
Alkonost - Dolgaya Noch
We are glad to present you our new video work for the song "Dolgaya Noch".
Alkonost - Years Of Prophecy (feat. Mathias Lillmåns (Finntroll))

In anticipation of the release of the anniversary version of the album "Songs of the Eternal Oak", we are pleased to present you the title track of this album - "Years Of Prophecy", recorded with the participation of Finntroll vocalist - Mathias Lillmåns.
Download/listen to the song:
This song opens the first Alkonost album, Songs of the Eternal Oak. It was the beginning of the path, both musically and philosophically. And that's why it's important to listen to this song, to make a step together with our hero into the reality of legends and parables, the place between the times and Between the Worlds. The reality of Alkonost.
Now, having celebrated the 25th anniversary of the band, we decided to give a song from which everything began a new life, give it a fresh sound. Mathias Lillmåns, the Finntroll vocalist, helped us with this, which was a recognition of the success of our long work and a congratulations on our 25th anniversary.
Alkonost - Лента на ветру/Lenta Na Vetru (live on Moscow 2021)
Finally, the last video from the presentation of the album "Ведомые ветромVedomye Vetrom" in Moscow - "Лента на ветру/Lenta Na Vetru" is ready.
Alkonost - Там, где живут ветра/Tam, gde zhivut vetra (live on Moscow 2021)
Friends, we are glad to share with you a new video from the presentation of the album "Ведомые ветром/Vedomye Vetrom" in Moscow - "Там, где живут ветра/Tam, gde zhivut vetra".
Alkonost - Солнце/Solntse/The Sun

It sometimes happens that the whole world seems to turn against you. You feel all alone and there is nothing around you that could inspire you, nor anyone who could support you. But it also can be the other way around: you are happy and glowing, but in the depths of your soul are afraid that your streak of luck will end, and that that which has a lot of meaning for you will be taken away. But in these situations, we all forget about what is of main importance: the source of life, strength, energy, inspiration and, lastly, happiness lies within ourselves. A person that opens up this source, shows self-belief, knows and loves themselves — is capable of anything! Listen to our new song, sing along, tune in to yourself, pay attention — and you will feel how in the depths, in your heart, a magical fiery flower will start to bloom. Let it grow, gather strength, and turn into a glowing sun that cannot be extinguished by any difficulties or sadness!
Alkonost - Птица/Ptitsa (feat. Rossomahaar)

We present you the song "Птица/Ptitsa", recorded with the participation of Sergey Lazar (ARKONA, ROSSOMAHAAR).
Download / Listen:
The power of mother's love is truly miraculous. No matter how far will the warrior's path take him, the mother's blessing is always there. For her heart always hurts for him. Our song will tell you how Mother Nature herself protects the warrior from death following the word of his own mother. And how it can return him back to life reminding that our world is full of love and even the most severe wounds will be healed someday.
Alkonost - Песня силы/Pesnya Sily
Friends! We are glad to present you our new video for the song "Песня силы/Pesnya Sily".
Why did we choose this song?
The fact is that it's the key song from our album "Vedomye Vetrom" (Guided by the Wind) in terms of it's meaning. It expresses album's main message: everything is in your hands, you can change the world with a word, starting with yourself!
We've composed this song during the lockdown period, because now, with so many problems and difficulties around you simply need some charge of positive energy. Some way to believe in yourself and ability to find a way out of any situation.
We really hope that our video will charge you positively.
Download/listen to the album "Ведомые ветром/Vedomye Vetrom":
Alkonost - Пророчество/Prorochestvo (live on Moscow 2021)
Guys, today we are in a hurry to share with you another video from the presentation of the album "Vedomye Vetrom" in Moscow.
The song is "Prorochestvo".
Piano Version (Instrumental)

Lots of you know that we've been looking for the "right" acoustic sound for us for a long time and could not find it. So when the Piano version album was released we couldn't stop and continued our artistic experiments.
And today we want to present you the Piano version (instrumental)! That's not just the backing tracks of our acoustic songs but a completely reworked Margarita's parts. We worked on them so that they would sound like an independent pieces of music. We hope that you will appreciate and love our Piano version (instrumental).
The album is also available on all digital platforms.
Alkonost - Ведьма/Vedma (Voronia cover) [live in Moscow 2021]
Friends, we have another video from the presentation of the album "Ведомые Ветром/Vedomye Vetrom" in Moscow - "Ведьма/Vedma" (Voronya cover).
Digibook CD "Octagram"

Guys, we have great news! Finally, a batch of Octagram Digibook discs is ready!
Buy CD on Bandcamp:
Alkonost - Bird/Птица (live on Moscow 2021)
How it was? To watch our new live video for the song "Bird / Bird" from the presentation of the album "Ведомые Ветром/Vedomye Vetrom" in Moscow on February 19, 2021.
Instrumental version of the album "Ведомые ветром/Vedomye Vetrom"

For all instrumental music lovers, we have released our last album without vocals. In addition, now "Guided by the Wind" can not only listen but also sing.
The instrumental version is available on all digital platforms.
Digibook CD "Vedomye Vetrom"

Digibook Compact Disc (CD) "Vedomye Vetrom" available for purchase!
Buy CD on Bandcamp:
Unboxing video:
Album "Vedomye Vetrom" (Driven by the Wind)

Our ninth full length album "Vedomye Vetrom!
All links to shops and music services are here:
Thank you for your help and support: Pavel Kosolapov, Pobuzhanskaya Olga Pavlovna, Maria Shagitova, Sergei Kuzmin, the Losev family, the Karpov family, the Suvorov family, Ira Ninovich, Konstantin Kondakov, Yaroslav Golzauzer, Eduard Magafurov, Polina and Vasilisa Dokalov, Alexey Shirokov, Mikhail Manzhilevsky, Nizametdinova Raikhana, Shamil, Lira, Golubeva Maya, Irina Kamaeva, Veronika Zhuravleva, Elena Smirnova, Dmitry Kipelov, Nikodem Kolev, Ilya Sokolov, Mikhail Vonarkh, Yuri Mineev, Ilya Lopatkin, Mikhail Khruzin, Alexander Volkov who supported our "Vedomye Vetrom" crowdfunding project.
Hoodie reflective "Vedomye Vetrom"

Hi everyone!
We are starting to accept pre-orders for our new merchandise dedicated to the release of our new album "Guided by the wind". And it will not be just an excellent quality Czech hoodies, but a thing with an additional function. The "Guided by the wind" logo on the front and the Alkonost logo on the back will have a reflective effect (like the one traffic police have :)). This way you will be very visible in the dark.
Sizes: from S to 3XL
Album "Vedomye Vetrom"

We are opening pre-orders on Bandcamp for our next full length album, "Vedomye Vetrom"!
Since olden days people believe in magic. A secret power that can create a miracle, change the usual order of things in a moment. That can save from imminent death or, on the other hand, destroy someone who inadvertently brought upon himself the evil eye of a sorceress or displeased the spirits. Magic can be feared by avoiding a strange woman next door who is said to be a witch. It can be your hope when there is nothing else left to hope for. You may not believe in it, just listening to some campfire tales. And you can face it where you did not expect it at all.
Since olden days people know that magic lives in a word and a word lives in the air. The wind carries over the land the tales that passed by word of mouth and teach people and warn them against rash actions. The wind carries far away the sounds of the hymn, calling to raise swords to the slaughter. The wind picks up a spell like a ribbon in a braid, for the nature to respond, helping someone who breathes in unison with it. The wind carries into the darkness of the dungeon the words of a song sung by wanderer-bard, which kindles hope in the soul of the prisoner. Which makes him believe that he is stronger than the circumstances, and he can change the course of things by daring to be the true him, by doing what he must do, by taking his fate into his own hands.
"Guided by the wind" is about those who dared to trust to the wind, believing in its secret power - the magic spilled in the air. About those who knows firsthand what is the power of the word and what is the word of power. Our new album will tell you how the wind fills the sail of a misguided ship and leads him out of the fog to the saving light of a lighthouse. And how a word can lead and change the fate of a person, igniting the flames of the heart the way the wind blows the fire. And also about what happens if you don't listen to the wise words and go against the wind. For example, if you swim across the river after sunset on the eve of a Long Night, neglect the seer's advice or offend those who is protected by a spell.
All relevant links are here:
Album "Vedomye Vetrom" will be released January 21, 2021
Alkonost feat Petri Lindroos (Ensiferum) - Bird

On December 11, 2020 the single "Bird" was released together with Petri Lindroos from Ensiferum.
All links to music services are here:
Alkonost Piano Version

Guys, we is in a hurry to share the news with you: on November 13, the album Alkonost Piano Version will be released!
For those who are not familiar with their music, Alkonost has a very bright and recognizable melodies, strong and at the same time gentle female vocals that are not very usual for this genre (and hence unique) and also a tale-like and mystical lyrics with a fantasy air in it.
All of these components opened up and shone a fresh colors in the band's new project. It's an unusual experiment based on the creative ideas of Margarita Petrovskaya, who has put beautiful Alkonost melodies on a romantic piano basis. A brand new approach to a favorite songs, new experience and new emotions are waiting for you!
All links:
Single "Podruga-Noch" (Night Time) [Piano version]

Single "Prorochestvo" (Prophecy)

On August 30, 2020 the new single "Prorochestvo" will be released.
All links are here:
Mare Mirkie about new single: "Since olden days, there has been legends among different nations about the people called "magi", who were endowed with a prophetic gift, the ability to see into the future. We will tell you one of a such stories. A tale of a magic flute belonging to the Wind himself, whose song gives people a gift of diviners. Those who hear the song of a Wind's Flute will be able to tell the future. Not everyone believes the words of the wise. One could be proud and strong, relying only on himself and his luck. But dont be too quick to argue with the fortune teller. His word can safe the life of someone who listens. Our story is about a warrior who could have taken the prophecy given to him into account and avoid the carnage. But he did not believe what the vagrant Magus, who wandered into the warrior's camp to pass the night by a campfire, said to him. And paid for it with his life. What does pride and glory means to the Wind's Flute? She sings her songs and those who are willing to listen - will hear her voice."
Premiere of the promo video "Reka" (Piano version)

The premiere of the song on YouTube today at 21:00 Moscow time. The day before the premiere of the song. Especially for fans of our creativity.
Video premiere:
Song release: July 31, 2020.
Download / listen:
First track from album Alkonost (Piano version). It will be song "Река / Reka".
Album will be released in autumn 2020.
It will be different fill of song, another vision, another Alkonost. It's airily, atmospheric, soulfully.
So that how we see and how we want it to do. Maybe we getting old
Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya - vocals
Margarita Petrovskaya - piano
Andrey Locev - bass guitar
Eduard Magafurov - drums
Lyrics: Mare Mirkie
Director and videographer: Masha Shagitova
Video editing: Rustem Shagitov
Video editing assistant: Masha Shagitova
Technical support: Anastasia Tsalikova
Postproduction: Nikolay Kopachev
Composer: Andrey Losev
Song arrangement: Margarita Petrovskaya, Andrey Losev, Ksenia Pobuzhanskaya, Riyaz Khafizov, Timur Kudaev
Recorded and mixed: Timur Kudaev
Mastering - Vitold Buznaev
Thank you for the provided musical equipment to the School of Rock (Nab. Chelny)
Single "Reka" (Piano version)

Today we are launching a pre-sale on Bandcamp of our single Reka (Piano version). The release of the song is scheduled for July 31, 2020.
Single "Tam, gde zhivut vetra"

On May 1, 2020, our new song "Tam, gde zhivut vetra" (Where the Winds Live) will be released. All links here:
Clip for the song "Listopad" (Leaf Fall)

On February 22, Alkonost released a new clip for the song "Listopad" (Leaf Fall) from the "Oktagramma" (Octagram) album. The premiere of the video on the band’s official YouTube channel.
Siberian tour 2020

At the end of February, the Alkonost group will visit the Urals and Siberia with the Octagram concert program. Look for your city in the concert schedule.
You can always see the current list of cities on our website in the "Concerts" section or in the Bandsintown service.
Single "Parus" (The Sail)

The single "Parus" (The Sail) released on October 15th.
Listen single on Bandcamp:
All links:
Single "Lenta na Vetru" (Ribbon in the wind)

Hello everyone! We have great news!
On July 1 our new single "Lenta na vetru" (Ribbon in the Wind) will see the light. It will include 2 songs: the first one is "Lenta na vetru" itself and the second song - well known, but a bit revisited song "Khladnyy ogon' nochi 2019" (Cold fire in the night).
Instrumental version of the album "Octagram"

Friends, we want to please you with the instrumental version of the album “Octagram”, which is now available in all music stores and on all streaming services (except Yandex Music).
Follow the link here
Or by direct links here:
Album "Octagram"

Friends! We are proud to present our eighth full-length album "Octagram".
Fern (Single)

Here it is-our "Fern"! The latest single, released in support of the upcoming album "Octagram" (October 21, 2018).
Presentation of the album "Octagram"

November 3 will be the presentation of the new album "Octagram" in Naberezhnye Chelny! Details here:
Single "The Gates of Winter"

Well ... That's what happened to us, friends, 22 years old!
All this time we've been trying to please you with our music. And today, on August 30 that's our birthday, we with particular pleasure present you "The Gates of Winter" single. This song will be included in our upcoming eighth full-length album "Octagram", which is coming this fall.
Single «Leaf Fall»

Hello, our friends! We are really glad to present you the result of our work, the new single "Листопад" (Leaf Fall). This song will be included into our upcoming album which is due in the autumn of 2018. We wish you all a pleasant listening!
Single «The River»

Here we want to present to you our new single "The River" You might have heard this song on our past album ("The Songs Of The White Lilly 2016), but we have re-recorded it and now this song has lyrics in English. All pleasant listening! Rules, you can listen on our Bandcamp.
Lyric-video Alkonost group
Hey everyone! Today we want to share our unique lyrics video which was made by our fans worldwide! Thank you for supporting us!
Available order collectible mini vinyl "Tropa k Vesne" (Path to the Spring)

Greetings everyone! Our latest single "Тропа к весне"(The Pass to Spring) was released as a limited edition mini-vinyl by Bevernia records, Latvia. It can be a unique piece in you collection. Buy now:
Предзаказ сингла "Тропа к весне"

Dear friends! We are pleased to present our single "Тропа к весне". This single will be available in all digital music stores:
Нам сегодня ДВАДЦАТЬ ОДИН!

Have a good day, guys! We’ve reached the age of 21 today!
We’re truly of legal age now. And in this connection we’re going to give a lot of surprises for you. One of them is our single which will be released on September 5.
We congratulate you on the our lives important event! And we thank you kindly for being with us all these years !!! HOORAY!!
Анонс максисингла «Тропа к Весне»

Hi, dear! Did you miss us?!! We’ve got great news for you!
In early September!!! To celebrate the twenty-one-year anniversary of the group! We present maxi-single «Path to Spring»!!!
You’ll meet 2 awesome tracks. The first one is completely new and will be included into our upcoming album (and it is just around the corner!). And the second track, which is merited to be trusted, is the old hit song "War is closed by us" (but pretty updated!). Let’s mark the coming of age with our music!!!
Until then… For not being bored much… We present you the lyrics of the new song written by other outstanding poet Mare Mirkie !!!
Publication of the album “Songs of the White Lily” on audio cassettes

On the Polish label Black Death Production came a small circulation of audio cassettes "Songs of the White Lily".
The album “Songs of the White Lily” released on Sleaszy Rider Records

Dear guys, we hurry to share with you the news! Alkonost has signed a contract with Greek label SLEASZY RIDER RECORDS. The album “Songs of the White Lily” in digipak format will be reissued very soon! Follow the news.
Anniversary concert of Alkonost

In honor of its 20th anniversary, the Alkonost group will give the ONE of its kind concert, which will combine the current composition and the CLASSIC COMPOSITION of the GROUP!
Yes, LEGENDARY COMPOSITION will reassemble and light up as before!
Supported by:
- Gray
- Anabioz
- My Dose of Dopamine
Information support:
- TNT-Efir Naberezhnye Chelny
- AMT Electronics
- School of Rock (Naberezhnye Chelny)
Details of the event in the meeting in VK .
С гордостью представляем вам седьмой полноформатный альбом группы Alkonost "Песни белой лилии"!

Friends! The 7th full-length album entitled "Songs of the White Lily" was released.
The album can be listened to and purchased here at or here at Also, all materials related to the album are published in the collection on YouTube.
Юбилей группы!
Вот уже двадцать лет живет группа Alkonost. За это время выросло несколько поколений поклонников тяжелого металла и фолка. Менялась наша музыка, менялись и мы... Но вы, наши поклонники - самое постоянное что есть в нашей жизни. И, конечно наша музыка. Немного грустно от такого взросления, но, несмотря ни на что, мы движемся вперед! И это благодаря вашей многолетней поддержке!
Alkonost от всего сердца благодарит вас!!!
Сингл "Русалка" на виниле

Внимание!!! Вышел эксклюзивный тираж мини-винила на песню Русалка! Издано в количестве 21 шт. на весь мир! С одной стороны привычная версия нашей Русалки, с другой акустическая. Автор идеи издания, а также воплотитель этой идеи в жизнь - лейбл Beverina.
Весь тираж продан. По всем вопросам обращаться сюда: Послушать в электронном варианте
Переиздание альбома "Каменного Сердца Кровь" на виниле

Ура! Друзья! С радостью сообщаем, что в начале лета будет наконец переиздан альбом группы Alkonost "Каменного Сердца Кровь" на латвийском лейбле Beverina. Носитель - винил. Тираж - 130 копий.
Оформить предзаказ по Россиии можно по почте или . Предзаказ по всему миру на
Лосев Андрей эндорсер "AMT Electronics"

Все привет! У нас важная новость! Наш гитарист и композитор Лосев Андрей (Лось) стал эндорсером компании AMT Electronics. Он представляет вашему вниманию гитарный усилитель "Stonehead-50-4".
Кавер на Paradise Lost

В самом начале 2016 года Fono Ltd. порадует любителей экстремального метала выпустив 2CD трибьют группе PARADISE LOST, в котором приняли участие команды со всего мира, включая 9 групп из России — ALKONOST, LITTLE DEAD BERTHA, MENTAL HOME и др. На этот раз все музыканты нестандартно подошли к записи своих версий знаменитых песен легендарных британцев — каждая композиция сборника хоть и узнаваема по первым же аккордам, но преподнесена в новом, современном звучании.
Два диска трибьюта представляют на суд слушателей своеобразный баттл между российскими и иностранными бандами, а кто победил — решать только тебе!
Клип на акустическую версию песни "Русалка"

6 декабря 2015 г. группа Alkonost выпускает клип на акустическую версию песни "Русалка". Всем приятного просмотра!
Трибьют на Butterfly Temple

27 ноября 2015 года на лейбле Mazzar вышел долгожданный диск, трибьют основателям русского pagan metal - Butterfly Temple. В трибьюте приняла участие группа Alkonost, записав кавер на песню "Земля".
"Tales Of Wanderings" - 2015

"Tales Of Wanderings" - это англоязычный вариант песен с альбома 2013 года "Сказки Странствий". Это не означает, что, подобно большинству коллективов, Алконост лишь перевели лирику песен на английский язык и добавили пару ноток для англоязычной версии, - альбом был полностью переработан специально для англоязычного издания, и все женские партии были исполнены новой вокалисткой группы!
Таким образом, "Tales Of Wanderings" мы можем назвать полностью самостоятельным, новым альбомом коллектива. Приятного прослушивания!
С 5 октября 2015 года альбом "Tales Of Wanderings" выпускался в Латвии в формате винила, а в ноябре 2015 вышел в России на лейбле Sound Age в формате CD.
Track list:
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CD ALKONOST "На крыльях зова" - 2010

31 мая 2010 г. на немецком лейбле Einheit Produktionen выходит новый альбом Folk Metal группы ALKONOST – "На крыльях зова (On The Wings Of The Call)". Российское издание будет выпущено лейблом SoundAge Productions в формате Digi-book и будет доступно российским слушателям также 31 мая.
В записи альбома приняли участие вокалисты групп Сварга (Илья "Wolfenhirt"), Калевала (Ксения), Калевала, Рарог (Александр "Шмель").
Track list: