Духов пламени призвал коваль:
Силой яростной войдите в сталь!
Тайну древнюю хранит волшба:
Молот – дар богов, а горн – судьба.
Бей Молот! Бей с силой!
Облик меча сталь примет!
Бей Молот! Бей с силой!
Мир новый пробуди!
Ковало – мир в кругу земном,
А молот – то небесный гром.
Плуг куёт кузнец – взойти полям!
Меч куёт кузнец – полечь врагам!
Славься, горна песнь и сила рук!
Духи у огня смыкают круг.
Молоту плясать, огню гореть -
Вновь обретут черты и жизнь, и смерть.
Бей Молот! Бей с силой!
Облик меча сталь примет!
Бей Молот! Бей с силой!
Мир новый пробуди!
In this track we turn our attention to the subject of the art of the blacksmith, one of the most ancient and significant crafts in human culture. In olden times, forging work, with its complicated technical processes, was considered akin to magic by the uninitiated. And this, after all, is essentially the case: a hammer functions as an instrument of transformation and reshaping of a given material into something else. It helps to turn a piece of metal into a useful object, and under its blows, both an instrument of creation and a weapon can result.
By employing the power of fire, a smith is able to work with an element and tame it. A song, then, is a great means to touch upon this ever-important archetype, to experience its symbolism and allow its inherent, powerful energy of creativity and transformation to pass through one's being.