Русский | English

Sny Temnogo Morya (Dreams of the Dark Sea)

Temnogo morya sny
Stuzheyu zimnego l'da polny
Belyj pohitil svet
Zmej ledyanoj, vladyka bed.

Zmej ledyanoj proster kryla
Nad vsej zemlej, chtob ne zhila,
Nad vsej travoj, chtob ne rosla,
Nad vsej krasoj, chtob ne tsvela.

Kto vyjdet na boj
S drevnej, vsesil'noj t'moj
U temna morya?
U dverej solntsa?


Lik Materi sedoj
Temnee teni stal nochnoj.
Pusty polya, hlad v'yug
Skoval serdtsa snom, polnym muk.

Zmej ledyanoj proster kryla
Nad vsej zemlej, chtob ne zhila,
Nad vsej travoj, chtob ne rosla,
Nad vsej krasoj, chtob ne tsvela.

Kto vyjdet na boj
S drevnej, vsesil'noj t'moj
U temna morya?
U dverej solntsa?


Ty oshchutil tot zov,
Dlan' ukrepil mechom ottsov,
Vestnikom vyshel dnya,
Spet' pesn' stali i ognya,

CHtob novaya zarya vzoshla,
CHtob mat'-zemlya vnov' ozhila,
Trava mladaya prorosla,
Krasa devich'ya rastsvela…

This song is about the longest night and the darkest hour that falls on the world. But, as we know, the darkest hour is before the dawn. This song is about how in the most difficult moment, in the most hopeless times a hero appears, and he will defeat a monster who has deprived the earth of sunshine, goodness and joy. Such things happen in our daily life. No matter how bad we may feel, somewhere in the depths of our souls such a character lives, who is ready to fight with despondency, despair and depression. We just need to call him loude.


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