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Listopad (Leaf Fall)

Po oseni rosy
Legli v lugah.
Iskala ya hvorost
Dlya ochaga
Da alye list'ya
Ukrasit' dom...
No les ukryl tropy
TSvetnym kovrom.

Duh lesnoj, shal'noj
Zlatom, bagryantsem
Sled zaputal moj,
Zakruzhil v tantse...

Padaet ten',
Nochi stal raven den',
I listopad zakruzhil zlatye list'ya.
Broshu emu
CHto ni serdtsu, ni umu -
Nitku busin da voroh staryh pisem.

Broshu vetram chto ni mne i ne vam -
Staroj fal'shi kruzhevo zlatoe
Broshu zemle
Pryad' volos, gorst' monet
I kol'tso, chto podareno toboyu

Po lesu brodila,
da bez puti,
Leshego prosila
domoj pustit'.

Duh lesnoj, shal'noj,
Strannich'ya volya
otpusti domoj k szhatomu polyu.

Padaet ten',
Nochi stal raven den',
I listopad zakruzhil zlatye list'ya.
Broshu emu
CHto ni serdtsu, ni umu -
Nitku busin, da voroh staryh pisem.

Broshu vetram chto ni mne i ne vam -
Staroj fal'shi kruzhevo zlatoe
Broshu zemle
Pryad' volos, gorst' monet
I kol'tso, chto podareno toboyu

Pust' listopad ih unosit v zakat,
Zolotistoe kruzhevo szhigaya.
Vyvel menya
Dobryj leshij v polya
CHtob pospet' mne na prazdnik urozhaya.

Pod konets dnya
Tam davno zhdut menya,
Vsyo, chto seyali - nynche pozhinaya...
S ostrym serpom
Za poslednim snopom
Podojdu ya na prazdnik urozhaya.


Leaf Fall

In the autumn dew 
Fell in the meadows. 
I was looking for firewood 
To light the hearth 
And for scarlet leaves 
To decorate the house... 
But the forest has covered the trails 
With colored carpet. 

Wild spirit of the forest, 
With gold, with crimson 
He confused my trail, 
Whirled me in dance ... 

The shadow is falling, 
The night became equal to the day, 
And leaf fall swirled golden leaves. 
(I) will throw to it 
What is neither for the heart nor for the mind - 
A string of beads and a heap of old letters. 

(I) will throw to the winds what is not for me and not for you - 
Gold lace of the old lie 
(I) will throw to the earth 
Strand of hair, a handful of coins 
And the ring that you gifted me 

(I) wandered through the woods 
without any way 
(I) asked Leshy 
to let me go home. 

Wild spirit of the forest, 
Wanderers’ will 
Let me go home to the harvested field. 

The shadow is falling, 
The night became equal to the day, 
And leaf fall swirled golden leaves. 
I will throw to it 
What is neither for the heart nor for the mind - 
A string of beads and a heap of old letters. 

(I) will throw to the winds what is not for me and not for you - 
Gold lace of the old lie 
(I) will throw to the earth 
Strand of hair, a handful of coins 
And the ring that you gifted me 

Let the leaf fall carry them off into the sunset, 
Burning that golden lace. 
(He) led me out 
To the fields, that kind Leshy, 
To let me be on time for the harvest festival. 

At the end of the day 
For a long time (they) have been waiting for me,
Reaping now all that was sown... 
With a sharp sickle
For the last sheaf 
I will go to the harvest festival.


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